• It is simple and easy to learn.

    While there are hundreds of different techniques in Muay Thai, it is also a martial art known for its raw simplicity. That’s why Muay Thai is for everyone: men, women and children of all ages.

  • It is both an aerobic and anaerobic workout.

    Muay Thai is specifically designed to promote the level of fitness and toughness required for competition even for recreational practitioners. Training is varied and incorporates a combination of aerobic exercises like running, skipping and shadowboxing and anaerobic exercises like punching and kicking on the pads or bags, and clinching to work your body to its limits.

  • It burns over 1000 calories an hour.

    Muay Thai is a perfect total body workout. It is a fun and efficient way to burn fat and lose weight. It will help you build your core, flexibility, and overall strength. The full-body workout that Muay Thai gives you can take your health to the next level.

  • It toughens your mind, body and spirit.

    Muay Thai builds confidence and promotes the discipline of the mind through the control of emotions and feelings. It will get you ready to tackle anything that life is willing to throw your way.

  • It will unleash your true potential.

    Muay Thai cultivates important values that are rooted in rich tradition. It has the power to humble, discipline, and also inspire, which is one of the most important aspects of any martial art. The practice of Muay Thai will help instil many great qualities including courage, humility,grit and warrior spirit. These qualities will no doubt help you unleash your true potential in every facet of your life.

  • It is an effective form of self defence.

    Muay Thai is one of the few martial arts that has been undeniably battle-tested and street certified for real-life encounters. Although widely regarded as a striking-based martial art, Muay Thai also contains throwing techniques, locks, the using of an opponent’s own momentum, and even submissions.

    The conditioning of mind, body, and spirit involved in Muay Thai will give you the confidence needed for real-life self-defence situations.